600km is a long, long way! This was my first 600 and for most of the second day I convinced myself that I wouldn’t do another one, ever! In fact I was questioning the point of even doing PBP for which I was fairly confident of qualifying. Now, three days later the never again thoughts have subsided.
My plan was to ride to a max HR of 130 on day 1 and use lighter gears than usual. This worked as my legs have recovered much more quickly than after the LlanfairPG 400. We did have to push it on day 2 as the section from Chester back to Lilleshall was a lot slower than expected, mainly due to my riding buddy having real issues with staying awake. At one point we stopped on Wembury railway station platform, where we found a shelter out of the rain so that he could power nap.
As a consequence of the slow overnight section, I calculated that we needed to reduce time at controls to near zero, based on distance left to ride. Carlos couldn’t be convinced by my argument because he was working on control closing times, and I couldn’t put my finger on why he was wrong at the time although I have since worked out it was due to the event being overdistance by 25km. Luckily the tailwind on the long leg 9 took the time pressure away and we were able to finish with an hour to spare.
The volunteers at the controls were amazing. I liked the variety of food available, every control was different. I would have liked to have spent more time at each control and been more sociable but we had somewhere to be…
A link to the video compiled from footage from my Garmin Virb:
Windsor-Chester-Windsor 600km audax ride